Monday 27 June 2011


Its pouring rain and has been so unpredictably all week.
Unpredictable would be a good word to describe this week and it all started with a lemonade and a very small, brown glass bottle. However before I even begin going into details, I am going to start by updating you all on the crochet front; the beginnings of my 'Flowers In The Snow' throw. I have just begun joining my circular discs using a neutral base 'Moonflower.' This is an organic DK yarn by Amy Butlers Belle collection and although I have not got very far yet, Im quite pleased with how well balanced the colours appear. Just for those wanting to see the full effect behind this project, along with the pattern, it can be found right here!
 Sometimes I feel the non-knit/crochet community forget the labour behind such projects, with half the time spent darning in odd ends, ironing work and even recrocheting pieces, so I tend to be far more enthused with my own progress than what people may consider to be normal!
Then again, what is normal?
And so I like to sit by this very window, overlooking the garden to which I understand was the pride and joy of a woman that once lived here. Its just beautiful on a clear blue day, spending my afternoons sitting upon the concrete steps, feeding the yarn through my fingers, usually until the begin to numb.
 I envisage this generous covering of merino to big enough for two, purposely designed for warm cuddles, cheeky kisses with a someone special, if ever I come across that right person. Single is fun, but it misses a richer and far deeper interconnectivity.
I miss the closeness, holding each others face and its so stupid too! Im never usually hasty to really 'feel', but it felt so natural, instantaneous and effortless to feel a reciprocal warmth like that, and I find that so difficult just to let it go - Just like that. Its like allowing the string of a kite reel to run straight through your hands as it floats upwards and away. I know now if nothing comes of it, as much as its an unsettling harsh reality (one of which I may decide to challenge) I have the etchings of him curled up beside me asleep, wrapped up as though i was his and had been. There was something so much more to it, why are men so willing to let it go. I just dont understand it, it feels inhuman. Really it does.
However, for the sake of my sanity, a large glass of sloe wine, along with late night sessions at the swimming pool and an indepth girly chat does wonders! I like to keep myself busy therefore with it being a Monday, I have a set of objectives I wish to achieve for the week:
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day
  • To drink no more than three cups of tea a day - I feel my teeth are becoming fairly susceptible to discolouration!
  • To be confident with my decision making
  • To book a hair cut / possibly a colour too!
  • To make at least one persons day this week - could you be lucky!?
I shall report back with my successes!?
For now, I am about to enjoy a very large glass of sloe wine, mmm my favourite!
Take care everyone and have a productive week!


Monday 13 June 2011

Seven Egg Monday

After a tiresome day at work; which today began by switching the power on and, to my horror, discovering a flickering light bulb  (this does not bode well for epileptics- allow your minds to conceptualize), what a dream it was arriving home to the smell of a richly baked cake..

 My (not so little) sister, (who is literally on the brink of overtaking me height-wise - which is a little embarrasing when you are twenty one and she is a whole six years younger), decided to pull out all the stops for her friends birthday. Unfortunately, having a birthday this time of year means there is a high possibility of spending birthday nights revisioning for the looming gcses in this case. Im very much doubting Ill be able to comment on it tasting as good as it smelt, although it certainly doesnt hurt to ask. With it being a seven egg monday too, im pretty certain she has used our chickens finest. Their yolks are a brightly coloured orange, tasting much richer and fresher than the ones at your local. I can only imagine how much richer theyve made the mixture! Far too much talk about cake, with not enough tasting is making me hungry so soon after dinner! I love the marbling effects going on too, almost a little work of art. 
Good work Sophie, she is going to love it - and if anything will make exam seasons a little less stressful, I think the meer, existing opportunity of enabling oneself to guzzle as much cake as possible - could well work :)

Sunday 12 June 2011

Stargazy Pie

I woke this morning to the sound of the rain, which felt strange.
 Sometimes I suppose its the case; that you don't notice something not happening for so long, that when it does, is the moment you embrace it. It felt refreshing to have a change of weather, which seemed suiting for a Sunday afternoon (plus felt good to know my cherished tomato's were getting a good drink too).
I've been feeling pretty heavy hearted over the last week, so I took some time last night to look over some of my favourite photos taken just a few weeks ago during a bank holiday trip down to Cornwall. And here they are...
 My favourite place to visit in Cornwall, is a little place very near the end called Gwenver Beach. Very secluded and tranquil, but stunningly beautiful. I can imagine if there ever becomes a time in my life, where things get too much, Id travel down to there for some time alone, to ponder over my troubles and allow myself to become immersed into the organic surroundings.
There's just something about Cornwall, the rustic stone houses, all salty smelling and weathered. It feels so calm and relaxed. Everyone looks a lot more chilled out and they smile more. There are some sights I had never seen before, such as this view in Mousehole (below). Though in the moment it felt like opening the pages of a book from the well known 'Mousehole Cat' my mum used to read to me when I was younger. A sense of childhood nostalgia definitely exists for me down here and its a wonderful feeling.
Just sometimes, its a dangerous thing having those special people in your life. It makes you want to keep everyone else at an arms length when they start hurting you. I could sit here all day, staring at the boats with a lingering smell of fish and chips trying to figure it out for myself, but its beyond comprehension. At least to me. I sometimes feel very alone and very exposed to the world. Its a shock when you are convinced they will always be there and you can take on anything together, then all of a sudden dynamics start changing and things go horribly wrong. Then I suppose you would feel very on your own.
Its hard sometimes to carry it all around with you and stay focused with a mission to try and achieve in this life. It feels highly unmotivating. Sometimes it helps to pretend to be an indispensable superwoman! Im not sure what powers Id have, but no problem would ever be too big to cope with. Superheros don't feel stressed, and they dont panic or feel anxiety, so I think for now, Id rather be a superwoman.
Perhaps I should try to adopt this alter ego more often, I think it'll do me the world of good! 
The Mousehole. A fantastic and friendly little place, with local artwork on show, home crafts with wonderful hand knits and beautifully tailored crochet projects, carefully produced "with love". If I had a spare few days, Id go back just to have another look around inside, its like an old fashioned sweet shop, with such unusual and quirky handcrafts on show, you're just not quite sure what to look at next.
I was very taken by a pair of crocheted baby booties, but for £22 each I kept a relatively safe distance! I had a lovely little chat with the lady inside who runs the shop and whose mother-in-law was the brains behind the gorgeous little boots, along with knitted hats and such things. Unfortunately there was not a pattern up for grabs, however I left feeling incredibly inspired!
...and of course, there was always time to enjoy a good cup of english tea, perfect on a typically muggy cornish afternoon. I loved the china cups too, which made me feel extremely civilized despite the fact I woke up on a campsite looking like I had run through a hedge backwards early that morning.
I will always have the memories and I should have that to be thankful for. I feel incredibly relunctant to let those that mean the most just to slip out of my life, but I cant help feeling Im causing myself more upset and hurt. What will be will be. However, the main objective was that I left Cornwall feeling happier and much more at peace with things and even managed to smile too :)
Things will get better. Have a great week everyone. And keep knitting!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Pick Up Stitches

Solied, but earthy scented hands is what I have right now after spending an afternoon in my garden. I went of bit overboard, sowing packets of seeds that have been sitting in the top drawer of my cupboard throughout the harsh winter - which has given me plenty of time to think of ideas for this summer.
I was sitting down last Tuesday having a cup of tea with a client of mine and he dug into he pocket and passed me a packet of seeds. They were "Nasturtiums." Im by no measns a plant expert, and couldnt picture the specices in my head at all until he started telling me that they are considered both a flowering plant as well as a veg! The flowers as well as the leaves have a quite a peppery taste from what Ive read (although I guess it depends on the variety of plant you have,) and can be used in salads, for soup garnishes and the chopped leaves can make a zesty addition to mayonaise of vingegarettes- the options it seems are endless :)
In addition, the buds of the plants can be picked, pickled and stored in a jar where a flavour alike to that of capers is developed.
I look forward to enjoying colourful flowery salad with friends on a warm summery afternoon!

I was quite surprised by their appearance. These are the Nasturtium seeds! They look like tiny little brains, the folds similar to that of our cerebral cortex. Each crevice in the brain is know as a sulcus and the ridges between the crevices are known as gyrus. Our cerebral cortex is folded in this simple way to increase the surface area allowing for an increased number of  neurons to develop and thus function together to make us those 'higher functioning organsims'. I wonder perhaps maybe this is why these seeds are folded in a similar way. Perhaps one seed produces more flowers than most seeds and therefore needing to employ a more complex root/energy system to monopolise enough resources for the plant to survive? I really have no idea.

I also went a a little OTT on the lupin front too. I love lupins! However their flowers never seems to last for very long. They bloom from the bottom upwards and it seems the moment the very tops have reached the peak of their blossom, the flowers at the base have already begun to discolour and drop. I think this is quite normal of this plant but in my opinion its well worth it for those long bright stalks of colour, plus new buds will open at different points throughout the summer, so there will always be some in blossom! I found these quite difficult to grow last summer, so I have planted a good few, hoping that I will have at the very least a handful to take over the the new house and put together a cheerful border with them.

My tomato plants are sitting in their grow bags, but not behaving too well. I wonder perhaps if they are getting enough sunlight so I have moved them to a brighter spot. Its seems that they have stayed the same size for the last week or so. Perhaps its Psychologically, I do spend a lot of my time checking on them, its no wonder really that they looked the same as they did the day before...
I do tend to have a little worry- Ive walked past a few plant stalls recently through the open markets around the cathedral green in Exeter. Everyones tomato plants are quite large and far more developed than mine. Perhaps I was a little late sowing my seeds this year. I wonder if anyone knows the best time to start sowing tomato seeds?

Bright displays of colour. You can see here there are protrusions of the green pods which have formed as a result of the fallen flowers. These will  have next years seeds inside, however you must wait until the pods have shrivelled completely till they are crisp and to a dark brown colour as the seeds are still developing inside and wont be fully matured. 

This stands for "Medium Pink and Yellow." I like to mark each coloured stalks, so when it comes to harvesting the seeds at the end of the summer, I can label the envelopes and know exactly what varieties they contain.
Oliver enjoying the sun in the afternoon. He likes to lie across the concrete in the shade to cool down.

In no hurry to be anywhere!
Another of my favourites is Love In The Mist. However they take seed absolutely everywhere and if you're not careful, they really will take over! I have the blue and white variety in my garden however I think you acn get pinks and purples too. Anyway, that was really enough gardening for one day and so, returning to my kitchen, I spent a good twenty minutes trying to scrub and remove all that compost that had coated my hands. Having been unsuccessful from removing all from my fingernails (yuck, i know) I decided that a well deserved cup of my favourite cinnamon tea was much in order.

Ive really never known where to buy this tea from, a friend of mine bought me a box for my birthday. They have these thought provoking little anecdotes or quotes which are extremely cute, plus allow you to ponder away whilst enjoying a warming cuppa. I just love those christmassy smells, cinnamon and nutneg, cloves, oranges, just fantastic.

And so, project number three, a knitted jumper. Not exactly plain, but I quite liked the autumnul colours.

The fiber is an absolute dream, so soft and I can instantly imagine coming home from a day at work when the temperature starts getting that bit colder and snuggling up with a cinnamon tea in my warmest jumper. The only thing is, it is a little whispy which from time to time can make the stitches easy to split and become easily tangled but apart from a few minor instances, its been no problem at all.
I shall post another update when it begins to take proper shape :) I cant say I did much knitted, I was completely cream crakered from my gardening antics. However its been lovely enjoying a relaxing afternoon. Metaphorically, on occasion, it seems like relaxation and self enjoyment are stitches that are often dropped as a sacrifice for busy everyday life. I feel all the better for picking up those stitches today and really must make the time in future to do so. As I read somewhere in the week 'knitting, if you choose, can be at the heart of  fulfilling and creative way of living.'
Enjoy the rest of the week!

Monday 23 May 2011

Dropped Stitches

Only just the other week did I finally manage to finish these next pair of knitted hand warmers- complete with the button detail.
I think they look so cute and they are perfect for those brisk mornings, where perhaps you may have accidentally slept in, needing to get hold of several people at once whilst feeding a raging tea addiction at around 7:00am. These allow you to do both, without the added hassle of constantly removing gloves if your phone happens to be a touch screen. I expect you are all far more organised than I am in the morning, however, this pretty much epitomises it for me :)

I am on a knit spree at the moment, with a third project underway since finishing a hat which I'm really not so sure about. I shall post an update shortly for you to see the finished result.
I am off again for the coming bankholiday weekend and will be taking the beginnings of my very first knitted jumper with me for an evening camping under the stars, in one of my very favourite places, Sennen, Cornwall.
Although, with a bottle of Cherry Brandy packed for the trip, Im not convinced it will be an overly productive session on the knit front. I can all too easily imagine returning with a sorry looking bundle of dropped stitches.
 Watch this space!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Elderflower Inquisition.

This afternoon, I indulged with a fabulous hot chocolate (topped with marshmallows and cream) and sat inside a curious looking cafe.
Ive spent my Saturdays working here, deciding that it actually might be quite useful knowing how to make a 'real' coffee. I spend more time drinking tea here than I actually do work, which makes it easier to earn those few extra pennies.
Sometimes, my mind goes skipping away to a curious place when its quiet. I like to think about the "would bes,'" what would I be like in ten years, how will I age, if I moisture everyday will I be wrinkle free; if so, is it really the moisturiser? Or is it my genes? Is it then a waste of money?
I will never really know. So to conclude, Id rather minimize the risks and stick to the moisturiser.
My soon to be little crocheted granny squares. I love how soft this wool is, I am knitting here with Amy Butler Belle Organic wool cotton DK, its a dream knitting with and the pastel colours give off a very relaxed vibe.
I have packed a few boxes since my last few 'circles', with my creations really taking a back seat as preparation for the new house continues.
However, all in all the crochet has been coming along well, although I am taking a momentary short break and returning back to my knitting roots. I knitted a pair of practical hand warmers that I quite liked, they were really very cute. However I have a hazy memory of leaving them behind in the females toilet one night after far too much alcoholic ginger beer. Since our abnormal Mid-March heatwave, I have undeniably felt a chill in the air, so I think it perhaps time to knit myself a new pair.
Although in most circumstances I would perhaps be a little annoyed at knitting an identical pair as a result of raw scattiness on my behalf. I have since learnt that 'matress stitch' is an ingenious way to sew up those seams without even the tiniest trace.
 I am looking forward to sporting a new pair, I may add a few buttons for extra character too :)

Monday 2 May 2011

Bottled Sunshine.

Today, for the very first time, I came across 'bottled sunshine.' An ever-so-unsuspecting, little, clay bottle corked and labelled. I did think about having a peek, however took a second to think, and thought it perhaps worth saving for a particularly miserable day. Only in Cornwall could you find bottled sunshine.

Lately Ive been feeling extremely in touch with nature. The tomato plants are coming along well, however I think over crowding may soon become a problem. I will really be looking for cheap large containers this week, it would be a shame to loose any now after seeing them through germination. Don't suppose if anyone knows where I can get some from? 
The Crochet project on the other hand has been coming along slowly.

I took a trip down to The Eden Project in Cornwall this afternoon, which by car, didn't take nearly as long as I expected. Ive enjoyed a fantastic day out with a notepad now full of plant specie names, that I had never even seen or heard of before. For those garden enthusiasts, as you can imagine, it was a pretty inspirational visit. I found it particularly hard to say no to purchasing a gooseberry bush, the fruits visibly beginning to develop and everything! Perhaps next time, I really do think I should manage my tomato project a little better before adding any others to my collection. :)
Recycling: a scarecrow en route I thought had been put together particularly well.
Is is by pure coincidence last night that I came across an old Delia Smith recipe, for a gooseberry and Elderflower jelly with sparkling wine? I have not been so excited about trying a new recipe. I doubt it shall be too long before I am back visiting again, perhaps with another plant to add to my collection :)

Adapting To Change

Sometimes I feel as though I must live in one of the most beautiful places in this country. Admittedly it can like to rain a lot, be painstakingly cold, but it makes a way for a good cup of tea and perhaps a ginger biscuit or two.

I turned 21 last summer soon after graduating with a Psychology degree. Like any other 21 year old, I like to socialise and drink too much sloe wine than can be good for me. In between those moments I unwind, tending to a variety of tomato plant species I have been nurturing for a number of weeks now.

It feels healthy to be so busy, even if a little tiring at times. Mentally, the stimulation must be good. I'm helping my family move house which is pretty chaotic. I quite like to procrastinate with packing at times, however its not really something you can put off for too long, plus after a while it can get quite difficult to convince the rest you have higher priorities :). I spend my weeks working for a cognitive rehabilitation centre, helping those to adjust to life after a brain injury. I really hope to earn enough money to become accepted onto a masters course, this seems like the sensible way to earn, yet gain practical hands on experience simultaneously, which i suppose is what they look for additionally these days.

I find solace with a crochet project, which is all very new. Ive only ever been able to knit socks, so this has opened a few more doors to explore a slightly different creative pathway. Its incredibly relaxing, especially when you should be spending a little time to think mindfully about your worries.
In between graduating and the present moment, I decided to take a break with my partner at the time, which in itself was a hard decision to make, although in the moment it felt like the right one. Just until very recently, the dynamics between us have felt like a permanent change and I have found the realities harsh to divulge. However I am getting there.

 I found a fantastic pattern, whereby all these circled flowers will be adjoined in a square border to make a beautiful blanket for me to curl up in... with a baileys hot chocolate. Yes please, YUM :)

 Ollie (my very orange cat), often enjoys wondering over to see exactly what I'm up to; especially, it seems, when im trying to figure out why something doesn't look quite right. Im not sure if my puzzled face seems like an invitation for him to jump onto my lap and rub his furry and ever more malting face all over mine. Apparently so, thanks Ollie.
 I have a busy couple of days ahead of me, packing the essentials and desperately trying to acquire a ruthless attitude to 'do I really need this?.' Truth is Id keep everything if I could, but thats simply not an option. Have a fantastic weekend.